Whew! I somehow got locked out of my blog for about 6 weeks. No idea how. But I think maybe it was for the best, as I have been far, far too busy to think about posting anything. Pretty much, I have been far, far too busy to think in general. Life has been moving pretty fast. I completed the grad school assignments finishing my 7th out of 15 course requirements on my journey from my Masters degree to my clinical Doctorate degree. As part of that, I had two presentations, one to a community group and one to occupational therapists at the state conference. I have also been confronted with a number of situations convincing me that life just keeps going forward, and you can't go back. With all the craziness of the last 3 years, I have been contemplating how to reclaim who I am - retain the essence of who I was intended to be, hang on to a shred of my faith, stay true to the things I want to be and do... all while continuing to grow, and stretch, and live life with joy as I continue to become the person God intended me to be. I am about to become an empty nester again, as our daughter is about to move out; and I can see the winds of change in my career, and it looks less like a transition and more like a jump off a cliff, hoping there's a safety net or a deep pool of water or SOMETHING to catch me.
I took a walk about a week ago, at sunset, and it was pretty incredible the way a fall evening spoke to my soul. The moon through the bare trees and the colors of the sunset over the fall leaves left me feeling speechless and remembering that everything happens for a reason. And things happen in the right timing, even if it is not the timing I was expecting or that I would prefer. And, despite all the evil in the world and the seemingly pointless and meaningless and PAINFUL things that happen, beautiful things keep happening too. Hope keeps coming through in the most unexpected places. Like, between bare trees and through darkening skies. In patients you thought would never get better or journeys you thought would never come to an end. Like, situations that sucked all the joy out of your life suddenly being revealed for the catalyst it is that makes you get off your rear and do something different, that you never would have done, if it hadn't been for the joy-sucking experience pushing you. I know I'm being cryptic; I can't tell all, but hopefully I will be able to soon. Maybe you are stuck in a joy-less place right now. My prayer for you is that you will be able to trust and have faith, find joy where you are, and that soon you will see some transitions starting to occur, like blades of grass springing through concrete, or a beautiful moon shining through bare trees, and know that there is a reason. There is a reason. There is a reason.